Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Season 26 Ep 10 Review: The Man Who Came To Be Dinner

The Simpsons go to...OUTER SPACE!

"The Man Who Came To Be Dinner"   

    Okay, this is quite a doosy. Firstly, this is episode 10 of season 26. The last one I did, "Simpsorama", was episode six. I skipped ahead because today I plan on listening to my new favorite (and actually, only) podcast today, entitled, "Worst Episode Ever". I plugged it last Simpsons entry I think, but in summary it's two guys who watch newer (season 11 and beyond) episodes of The Simpsons to determine which episode is the worst episode ever. I skipped ahead and watched this episode because they are covering this episode on thier podcast today, and I wanted to watch it and write my own thoughts down before I listened to their podcasts, as to not consciouslly or subconsciously alter my own thoughts and opinions based on what they say. Unfortunately, occasionally I will let outside influences creep into my own works, and I don't even realize it until after the fact. I don't do it on purpose, of course. I'm just susceptible that way, I guess.
    I will say, I actually (inadverdantly) watched this episode when it aired a few weeks ago. I didn't give it my full attention, but I knew it was a very big...well, no that's not the right word. Important? Eh, no that's not right either. Bizarre? Well, that's closer. Costly? Damaging? Annihilating? I don't know exactly, but I knew this would be an episode to talk about for days, weeks, and maybe months later. It was just such a strange epusode in the overall cannon of The Simpsons. I mean, they go to outer space! But, more on that in a moment.
    The couch gag for this episode is actually pretty decent. It's short

Season 26 Ep 8 Review: Covercraft

Music indeed makes the people come together


    So, Homer creates a band. Hhmm. Has this happened before? Why yes, yes it has. In season 5's Homer's Barbershop Quartet (personally in maybe my top ten least favorite episodes of mine from this golden era. Perhaps a list like that should appear on this blog at some point?) and season 19's That '90s Show (which I have not heard, but apparently it's not very good). There could very well be another one in between seasons 16-25, when I didn't watch a single episode of the show. Why am I bringing this up? Is it to illustrate the fact that the writers can't possibly come up with new ideas for episodes, and instead have to reach back into their own glory days to reuse ideas (that they end up doing a poor job with)? Well, honestly no. I mean, they certainly do do that, but in this instance, it doesn't bother me. THAT'S my point. It's been 21 years since the golden era episode about Homer being in a band. Sure, they have that crappy season 19 one, but that's more a flashback/retcon kind of episode anyway. If they can take a simple story idea from 20 years ago and make it again, but make it different and make it interesting, I have no problem with that. Did they do that with this episode? Mostly yes, I guess. 
    If you haven't guessed by that mind-vomit of an introductory paragraph, this episode sees Homer taking up bass, then starting a cover band with other dads of the neighborhood (Dr. Hibbert on drums, Rev. Lovejoy on guitar, and Kirk Van Houten on keyboards). They recruit Apu as a singer, because hey, he sings just like an '80s hair metal singer. They do shows in Springfield. Then, Apu is recruited by the '80s band (Sungazer) that taught him to sing so well, to join them on a tour. Apu tours with them, hates it, and eventually he gets out of his contract by getting arrested for helping to poison the rest of the band with rotten Kwik-E-Mart hot dogs. So, yeah, it's certainly a different idea than the one from 20+ years ago. I don't mind the story actually, as it is fairly unique and pretty fun. It's not an enormously funny episode, but it's heads, shoulders, arms, waists, knees, and feet better than that awful Blazed and Confused episode I recently watched/wrote about [fun side note: on IMDB, someone gave that episode 10/10 stars. Thought that was interesting. Maybe it really is a great episode, worthy of being on anyone's top ten list.]

They actually look like they're having fun!

    Let's start with the couch gag. I'm sorry I always harp on the length of the couch gags, but the super long ones really annoy me. Luckily, this one was short, and probably my favorite couch gag of the season so far. All the members of the family, distracted with smart phones, enter the living room. They bump into each other and all fall onto the floor. They continue fiddling with their phones on the floor. Short and awfully timely. Take THAT jab, phone-obsessed society!
    I noted in my notes that it kind of does the whole "throwing away continuity" thing that newer episodes seem to do. It's not huge, but just the fact that Apu can sing much differently than he did with the B-Sharps, and that no one seems to have any memory of that other band they had, is kind of annoying. However, and I didn't notice it as I watched, but as I typed the members of the band up in that second paragraph, I realized that some of those actually are tied into continuity. Well, maybe not continuity, but character history. Obviously Kirk plays the keyboard, because that's what he did in A Milhouse Divided [author's note: yeah, this one is BOLD! Um, I haven't watched that episode in a while, and I really thought he did play keyboard, but I just looked online for a few minutes, and while he definitely sings, I don't think he plays keyboard. However, I feel it's the absolute perfect instrument for him TO play], and Lovejoy plays guitar, as he once did in one old, great episode (that I can't think of). Yeesh, this second half of this paragraph didn't go the way I wanted it to. Aaand star wipe...
    At any rate, this was a decent episode. Everyone (Homer included) was tolerable. Unfortunately, that's something I have to mention now. The writers love to over-exaggerate these characters and their various foibles and characteristics to beyond-Family Guy levels sometimes, and that's scary. A character that I really don't like much in these newer episodes is Kirk, yet he's fine here. Thank god for small favors. I was afraid, after the opening minute or two, that had Moe and the King Toot guy fighting over a dumpster, that I was in for an awful episode. I'm lucky the story didn't focus on them anymore (except at the very end, during the credits, with an actual decent part from Sammy Hagar), and it was an okay episode for it. So, it's pretty standard season 26 fare, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse. 
    Thanks for wading through my rambling with me. I'll give this episode a mighty...


  • I like the look of the King Toot guy. I'm glad he was barely in the episode, but he was visually different from a lot of Springfield denizens. 
  • When Homer first plays the bass in the guitar store, his animation gets all jiggly. I enjoyed this
  • Stacko: A Game of Stacking
  • Homer bringing his bass everywhere was kinda funny
  • In general, I love the sound of the bass, so I aurally enjoyed this episode quite a bit
  • The band plays the Springfield Cabbage Festival. I actually thought this was quite funny. Later on, in a montage, they are shown playing the Purple Cabbage Festival, which I enjoyed even more. But then they are shown to be playing the Savoy Cabbage Festival, and I didn't like it as much. They should have stopped at Purple Cabbage
  • There's a bit where Homer over-explains (and goes on for too long) about the band Genesis. A perfect summation of a big problem with new Simpsons: jokes that go on for way too long
  • The "Gold Parking" bit was pretty funny
  • And speaking of the goddamn B-Shaprs, Apu's dressing room has a picture of them. I didn't really care for that
  • The ending is nice at least
  • HOMER: "Well son, I do have the talent. My mind is full of ideas for great songs I could write...down the names of and then cover". (this was the only quote I wrote down, but I thought it was awesome. Two thumbs up!)

    Here we are, at the end of another of my "reviews" of an episode of The Simpsons from the fabled season 26. I'm trying to FINALLY get caught up to where they are on TV. I'm still six episodes behind, but I plan on watching three-or-four more this week. So that means, next week, I should be ALL CAUGHT UP (now that there's only like five episodes left or something). Thanks for sticking with me, and check back tonight or tomorrow for another new post!

Season 26 Ep 7 Review: Blazed and Confused

Crap and yucky


"Blazed and Confused"

    Boy oh boy, where to start with this episode? I've expressed it before, but I'll say it here again: my expectations for season 26 are ankle-low. And in general, minus two bad episodes, season 26 has exceeded the ankle-low expectations (although they probably would hit the bar if it was set at the knees, to continue with this analogy). They have been bad-to-decent, and some have had some good laughs (and even some nice quotes). Sure, so far there have been far more jokes that miss than hit, and there have been segments/bits/jokes/lines that have just been atrociously bad, and you would never see that in the golden era. But, we're 20+ years removed from the golden era. I'm as guilty as anyone for constantly bringing up this golden era. It's like comparing the juiciest Granny Smith apples to the most rotten, plague-infested shit-oranges.
    A slightly better comparison? How about seasons 14 and 15. I've compared at least one episode (Wreck of the Relationship I believe) to some season 14 episodes, and I claimed that the season 26 episode was better than those season 14 ones. I've been (very, very slowly) watching through season 15, and some of these newer episodes are definitely better than some bad season 15 episodes. What exactly is my point? I don't remember. Mainly, season 26 isn't as astronomically bad as I would have imagined. This episode, however, is.
    Let's just start with the couch gag, which may well have been the best part of the episode (yikes). It wasn't too long (although I still feel like it was a second-or-two too long. I'll explain in a short bit) and was amusing. It shows the family, dressed in skiing gear, sit on the couch, which then acts as a ski lift and brings them off-screen. They then reappear, all beat up and injured. Maggie then skis in and does some dumb ski trick. If they trimmed the Maggie bit just one second even, I think this couch gag would fit right in with a season 7-8 episode (oops, comparing it to great seasons again.)
    A brief summary of the episode has a new, mean teacher come to Springfield Elementary to teach Bart's class. Bart tries to prank him, and he (his name is Mr. Lassen) in turn starts being overly mean and cruel to Bart. Bart wants to get back at him, so he and Milhouse find out he is going to be lighting a torch at some "Blazing Guy" festival. They try to embarrass him on camera at the festival to get him fired. He gets fired at the end. And then we all die a little bit.
    Overall, I chuckled maybe three times. There were two decent quotes towards the end. I thought this was going to be the first episode I watched that didn't have any quotes/lines that I deemed worthy to record. There were lots of bad/juvenile/tasteless jokes in this one that I feel are indicative of newer Simpsons. One glaring example is Maggie sucking on the (thankfully non-sharp) end of a drug needle THAT SOMEONE HAD JUST MOMENTS BEFORE OD'ed WITH. Homer, of course, finds this adorable, so he takes a picture of it and texts it to Lenny and Carl. Ugh, awful, awful joke. Another awful Maggie-centric joke (as a side note, I never found the Maggie jokes/bits, even in the classic years, all that great. They really fuck them up now though) was her sucking on the breast of a large wooden naked woman statue. Here's a good sentence I used in my notes: "I really can't believe how unappealing this episode is". That really sums it up pretty nicely.
    I would like to briefly talk about the whole Blazing Guy festival, which took up basically the second half of the episode. It's a play off of the Burning Man festival, I guess? Maybe some of the jokes are lost on me because I don't at all understand this culture. It's just people being super weird for the sake of it? That's how it's portrayed here, anyway. However, this brought about probably the ONLY good thing from this episode: the Blazing Guy segments looks great. They are full of neon colors, crazy costumes (and musical instruments), weird people, and some trippy hallucinations. It kind of game me a Futurama vibe actually. So, put that in the "good" column!
    One final thing before I get to my bullet list. The new teacher character, Mr. Lassen, is not great. I didn't care for him. He's voiced by Willem Dafoe, who I generally like. I think he did a good job in this episode playing a psychotic (so, Willem Dafoe basically).
    This was, by far, the worst episode of season 26 so far. Even the ones I gave 4 ratings too had more laughs than this one (at least Super Franchise Me had the "Freezerino" line). This one had a story I didn't much care for, some really bad jokes/bits, and there was nary a chuckle in sight. I'm giving this one a big fat...


    (and it gets at least a half point because of the cool imagery of the festival)

  • Mr. Lassen, in the first two minutes of the episode, cuts his face open with a letter opener on Skinner's desk. Pretty gross
  • Bart sneaks a camera into the teacher's lounge. How? And how did no one notice it? I hate the Simpsons with technology
  • There's a Jason Vorhees bit that was over-long and unfunny. The one from Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood was way better in every conceivable way
  • Marge drinks some strange tea and trips her ovaries off. During one of her trips, she sees the Space Coyote from that very long, non-English titled episode from season 8. Kinda cool, except how in the hell would she ever know about that? That was Homer's own trip! But, who cares?
  • Skinner has a picture of Nixon on his wall
  • Guy at festival: "These kids are gonna ruin the ceremony. Too bad I'm just an illusion." [he disappears]
  • Girl at festival: "Strip him of his nudity!" [Mr. Lassen is then forcefully clothed. Probably funniest bit in the episode]

The amount of medication you'd need to enjoy this episode